Friday, October 18, 2019

The Effectiveness Of Different Training Methods Commonly Used To Lab Report

The Effectiveness Of Different Training Methods Commonly Used To Increase An Athletes Speed - Lab Report Example Besides discussing the trining methods, I will emphsize the importnce nd subtle elements of thletes speed. Most tem nd individul thletes require good ccelertion. However, if we ignore trck sprinters for the time being, the gret mjority of teengers will only ever sprint over distnces less thn 30 metres during competition. This mens tht mximl speed will rrely be reched, nd tht ccelertion plys the most importnt prt in speed nd must therefore receive specil ttention in speed trining. Two spects significntly contribute to ccelertion: first-step quickness nd correct body position. First-step quickness is the bility to move in certin direction s quickly s possible. Often, significnt speed improvements over ten metres cn be mde by eliminting flse step. This is commonly seen when n thlete, wishing to run to his or her right, either rocks bck on to his or her left leg, or, even worse, tkes step bck with his or her left leg, before then beginning to run to the right. By teching the thlete to run immeditely in the intended direction, with low, fst first step, time-wsting movements re voided. s different open field sports require vrying strt positions, it is essentil tht most thletes cn strt sprinting from either foot. (Blzevich, 2005) Body position for ccelertion is different from the ... While mximl speed running requires runner to be firly upright (which llows the legs full rnge of movement through the hips), the idel position for ccelerting is between 45 nd 60 degrees. If sprint begins from stnding strt (s in, for exmple, bsebll nd softbll), the ngle should pproch 45 degrees. However, if the thlete is moving immeditely before the sprint (such s running to receive pss), there is less need for such low position. (Blzevich, 2005) Open field running is where n thlete begins by jogging, but then ccelertes rpidly to mximum speed. In footbll, this sprint my involve chnge in direction, physicl contct in pushing, being pushed, or breking tckle. Fctors importnt in this form of speed re the bility to correctly position the body for ccelertion, nd the bility to initite fst leg turnover. One drill tht cn trin this is clled the 'in/out' drill, where n thlete increses speed over, for exmple, 15 metres, then sprints mximlly for distnce of 20 metres. He or she then slows down over similr distnce before re-ccelerting nd sprinting for further 20 metres. It is lso possible to incorporte chnges in direction for improving sidewys speed. dults usully rech mximl speed during sprint t round 40 metres; it cn then only be mintined for limited distnce before decelertion sets in. Depending on their ge, children re likely to rech mximl speed t between 25 nd 40 metres. For most gmes plyers, mximl speed will rrely be determining fctor in their performnce, nd sprint trining over distnces longer thn 40 metres will usully be unnecessry. However, given tht some thletes (for exmple, trck sprinters) require speed over 100 nd 200 metres, trining will need to concentrte

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